Denotation and Connotations: Water Aid ad

 Given Image:

Denotation:  There is a young boy staring into the camera wearing a ragged old blue top. He is next to the statement  "Dig toilets not graves". With a Water Aid logo on top. There is also a blurred background.

Connotation: The blurred background could mean that the producers only want us to focus on the boy and the words on the screen. The boys expression could convey that  he is sorrowful. He is also wearing a ragged blue top(may be a hand-me down)  so the producer might want us to give money because it shows us that he is not well off. The continuous theme of blue shows us that the blue may connect to the child's face and how he looks "blue" .

Analysis: The advert helps convey the desperation in his eyes using word play. The word "Aid" is in blue and so is the water droplet  while the top the boy is wearing is a darker blue than the words. This shows the producers want us to feel sympathetic for the boy , therefore we might be compelled to give money to the charity out of guilt. The guilt may come from the statement that is written in big bold white letters.            

:Own image: In Honour Of Black History Month                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Denotation: There are four girls holding up signs, surrounded by people sitting on the ground.  The picture is in black and white.                                                                                                                       Connotation: The people sitting are protesting peacefully while the girls are marching. The picture may be in black and white to commemorate the marches back when black and white people were separated in every day life. The sign at the back says "stop killing us"  referring to the police brutality that was on the rise back in 2020 in America. The most visible sign at the front of the picture says "The UK isn't innocent" revealing that just because says the don't stand / tolerate racism doesn't mean that isn't very prominent here.             Analysis: The effect the black and whiteness of the picture could make the audience recall the feeling of the MLK marches. It could make them feel like history is repeating itself. They could even feel hopeless that nothing has changed and nothing will. The statement "The UK isn't innocent" could make people finally feel seen , that one statement brings so much light to how some people may feel. That uncomfortable feeling that hits at work because someone said or did something that was a microaggression, or someone said something about liking your straight hair more than your natural kinky/coily hair. Someone labelling you an angry black woman, or someone clutching their purse when they're in vicinity of a black man. This statemen finally brings peace of mind to those who thought they were overexaggerating about being followed or watch in a shop, those who were labelled a "ghetto" black woman. To the darkskin woman who thought they wanted to be like their lightskin friends or white, to the black men who were bullied because they were too black or had afro-centric features you are seen with this statement. 


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