Stuart Hall's Reception Theory

 1) What is the preferred reading of a media text?

The preferred reading of this media text is that troublesome young people need to be put in their place and taught a lesson, some discipline and the older generation are the ones to do it. 

2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text?
The oppositional reading to this media text is that the older generation are being hypocritical to young people about violence. As the main character gets revenge for his friend using the violence that his friend was complaining about before he died.

Re-watch the trailer for the film Harry Brown:

3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film? They respond to teenagers troublesome and now have a preconceived idea of teenagers.

4) Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer? Young people might think that they were perceived wrong and not all of them are the same or like that. They might've felt wronged in the movie and even misunderstood.

5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.
Preferred reading for the ad is that the McDonald's burger is delicious and mouth watering.They want to show how much better the burger is to it's previous ones and others. As you can see from the text at the bottom of the ad they are extensively describing the burger's magnificent taste , making the customer intrigued to taste it.
An oppositional reading for the ad would be that McDonald's is over exaggerating about how the burger tastes and that the way it looks is not the full truth because those who order from that restaurant know that your food will not be given to you looking that perfect.S    o some may think that the way they portray their food contrats to the way people are given their food.
A negotiated reading for the ad could be that some may disagree with the way that McDonald's presents their meal as "classy" but would go and eat it anyway because they know how McDonald's serves it's food so they accept the way that they want to be percived even though they know the reality of the meal.  


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