Prelim Exercise Feedback and Learner Response

 1) Teachers Feedback:

- Music and editing real strengths- really effective in engaging the audience 

-Genre- a little more horror than fantasy 

-audio levels need to bring down music to make dialogue audible 

-Darkness/brightness- one to check for final production

2) WWW: 
- Great cinematography 
- Background music created intense atmosphere
- Good editing, acting and good cuts

- Background music too loud, making dialogue unclear at times
- Majority of the scenes are too dark to see background/location
- The fantasy genre not conveyed 

3) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project? List three things you have learned or will do differently as a result of this exercise. You may want to comment on organisation, actors, filming, editing or something else entirely but be specific.

- Pick better times to film ( light and dark)
- Make sure to address the fantasy genre
- Make sure sound collaborate with each other well ( background music not overpowering the dialogue) 


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