Daily Mirror: Language and Representations


1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages (you may want to add an example for each from our Daily Mirror CSP):

Masthead: tile block of newspaper
Pug: something to catch readers eye
Splash Head: the main story
Slogan: sums up ethos of newspaper
Dateline: date newspaper was published 
Kicker: story at the top of the newspaper to draw interest in content
Byline: name of journalist/ writer
Standfirst: intro to para

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost? (Note: the current cost is different to the CSP edition - we recommend learning both).


3) What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)? Make sure you learn the headline and what the stories are about.

climate change and awards ceremony 

4) Why is the choice of news stories and content on the Mirror CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?

Because the awards ceremony is presented by celebrities and tabloids usually write about celebrities.

5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?

The images  and headlines take over the majority of the text


1) what political party does the Daily Mirror support? Is there any evidence of this in the pages of the CSP that we've studied?

They support Labour. They belittle Boris on the COP26 page by insinuating that he doesn't know what he's doing.

2) How does the Daily Mirror Pride of Britain awards represent ordinary British people?

  Because the Daily Mirror stands for representing ordinary British people, their front page is an award ceremony for ordinary people who've done extraordinary.

3) How is climate change as an issue represented in the Daily Mirror? What evidence can you provide from the CSP to prove this?

  Climate change is represented as a serious issue that effects ordinary people the worst. As on the CSP an image of an local Greek man trying to put out forest fires in Greece.

4) How are environmental protesters such as Greta Thumburg Represented in the Daily Mirror?

  Greta is called a "masked crusader" ,conveying that environmental activists such as herself are heroic.

5) Read the main articles on the pages inside. How are different countries, political parties and Royals represented in the Daily Mirror? does this reinforce or subvert stereotypes we usually see in the media?



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